Thursday, January 26, 2012

Cycle For Survival Is Coming

I admit, one of the most difficult things for me to do is to ask people for money. I have never been quite good at raising funds. I always seem to achieve my targeted goal, but it is always a struggle for me. I remember when I was a young boy and I had to sell chocolate bars for my little league team or school. I would have to hope my parents would by them. Of course, my parents could not afford to do so every single time. Even though I know it can be tough for me, I still always agree to do so because I feel so strongly that it is important for me to be a voice for others. I have an opportunity to help bring attention to causes. I have an opportunity to help others. In some cases, my help may be the difference between life or death. In our world, people have to face various health issues. They can often find assistance through research and medicine which are available for them. Unfortunately, there are times where their illness may be so rare that research or treatment does not exist which can save their lives. In such cases, they can turn to Memorial Sloan Ketering Cancer Center for help. In order for a place such as this to help, we as a society must be willing to help raise funds for them. That is why I eagerly volunteered to cycle for survival on the Njoy Racing Team. The yearly Cycle For Survival event is coming to chicago and other cities across the country this February. I will take part in this event and hope you may consider helping raise funds for this cause so that those suffering with rare forms of cancer will be given a chance at life. For more information and to donate, please log on to the following site. Thank you in advance!

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