Thursday, December 15, 2011

Nina Teaches Me To Run Dance Love

It is always fun to make new friends on Facebook and follow people on Twitter. I use to say that I met some of my dearest closest friends in high school, college, or acting class. Now I am including Facebook and Twitter in that list. I get a kick out of being recognized as Sexy Isra from twitter. I enjoy using social media to keep up with friends who are all over the country and world. I get happy when I realize that I am tweeting back and forth with a writer, actor, or athlete. I find it endlessly fascinating when I am able to post on those people's walls on FB. What I most enjoy is being inspired by these individuals. Whether it is communicating on Twitter with Paula Radcliffe, Jenna Parker, and others or doing the same on FB, I am thrilled that I can keep track of their accomplishments and achievements. I am also tickled when someone who inspires me mentions me in a tweet. This was the case the day of the Chicago Marathon two months ago. I spent that evening and following day catching up on Twitter and FB so I was thrilled to read that one of the women I follow tweeted how wonderful it was to see the amazing Kimberly Shah guiding a blind runner in the marathon. I laughed out loud. I screamed, "That's me!" I immediately sent a tweet to that woman. She is running_nina on Twitter. I had been following her tweets for a while and was often moved by her tweets and blog. It turns out, she apparently knew Kimberly.

I read Nina's blog frequently and I always get motivated by her experiences of running the lakefront path and in races. Often, I am so pumped I go get in some miles when I had not been planning on doing so, but her words move me. Her blog reminds me I should Run after my dreams, dance to feel good, and love my life. Recently, she posted about winter outdoor running. I have only run outdoors in the winter probably two or three times in my life. Reading Nina's post made me want to arm myself properly with warm layers and go out to tackle the cold. I hope I can work it out with friends this winter so I can try it more frequently. My desire came from Nina's post and for that I am grateful. Not being one who can handle the cold, I will probably complain initially, but I am sure I will get the hang of it. After all, being able to get outside for long runs will benefit me as I do as Nina instructs, run after my dreams!

Please check out Nina's Run Dance Love site:

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